Winter quarter: the conclusion

Just like that, the quarter is done.

Well, it’s been a long time since the previous post.

I haven’t blogged or done any kind of writing in the time between. I haven’t been able to with taking Psychology and Math 98.

Math especially was difficult because I’m now limited by how much mental effort I can exert compared to before long covid. Now, I have a max of 2-3 hours a day of that kinda effort until I get an inevitable headache, brain fog, and exhaustion I didn’t have before.

I simply haven’t had the mental energy or the need to blog like I have in the past. After doing hours of homework or studying each day for class, my brain physically hurts like one would after a hard workout at the gym. I need to rest.

While I haven’t felt the need to blog like I have in the previous four years, this is a positive change. It means that I have healed my need for regular external validation, the need I had to emotionally vent and fill a creative hole.

Grades were posted today! I got a 4.0 in psychology and a 3.7 in math!

Oh yeah, my ankles healed since the last post. It’s flexibility isn’t quite as it was


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